Abrolhos Octopus
Abrolhos Octopus is sustainably caught in the pristine waters off the Abrolhos Islands and along the southern coast of Western Australia. With a natural diet rich in shellfish, the Western Rock Octopus is prized for its superior taste and tender texture. Once caught, our catch is delivered to our state-of-the-art processing facilities on the harbour’s edge, allowing us to be in complete control from start to finish.
Ballina Fishermens Coop
The Ballina fishermen’s co-operative is a local company which deals in the processing and marketing of fresh seafood from local catch.
The Co-op consists of, and is owned by its 26 members who are all independent professionally licenced fishermen. To maintain membership they must turn over through the co-ops financial books, a minimum amount of their catch per annum.
Fremantle Octopus Company
MSC certified Fremantle Octopus is sustainably caught in the pristine waters around Western Australia’s coast. We operate across three distinct managed fishing zones, spread across 2,880 kilometers of coastline, stretching from Shark Bay to the Great Australian Bight.
We perfectly time our trucks to meet the boats at their nearest dock, ensuring an unbroken chain of custody right through to our processing facility, located just a stone’s throw from Fremantle Fishing Boat Harbour.
T.O.P Fish Pty Ltd
We specialise in catching, processing and value adding of Tasmanian Octopus “Pallidus”.
T.O.P. Fish octopus are caught in the roaring forties waters of Bass Strait. They are captured using a specially designed pot for these conditions and species. Nets are not used in the catching of this resource. They actually make the octopus pot their home until they are removed to allow another occupant to take up residency.
A total of 20,000 pots are set throughtout Bass Strait on 150 km of line.