Prawns (wild)

M. G. Kailis Pty Ltd
MG Kailis is a leading company within the Australian seafood industry. Our operations span all facets of the industry, from catching to production, marketing and trading.
Founded in 1962 by the late Michael George Kailis and his wife Dr Patricia, the MG Kailis Group remains a proud family owned company.
Quality is the key aspect of the MG Kailis service philosophy, and is assured by a trained quality control team and facilities at major procurement points.

Raptis Seafood
Raptis are leaders in the Australian wild caught seafood industry. We are paving the way towards a future where Australia’s valuable fish stocks are managed in a sustainable manner and available for many generations to come.
We understand the importance of embracing new technology, and use this to ensure our high quality seafood is maintained through each process from ocean to plate.
Raptis has been exporting natural wild caught seafood to the world for over forty years.